浜マーケット | Hama-market

浜マーケット | Hama-market



 The site is part of a shopping street in the Isogo Ward of Yokohama City that was burnt down by a fire. It is a temporary construction that received the help of “Yokohama City Town Building Business” and is built in order to offer a facility for future events supported by the community.
 A simple structure using scalariform pilars and plywood fixed by nails allowed the idea of a place for everyone done by everyone; local carpenters with student did all the process of construction together. The tile seat was realized with local children by using small mosaic tiles with original drawings. The front side was covered with curtains that can be opened. The exterior material of the roof and the back wall was made of nonflammable tent film.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:横浜市磯子区 Isogo Yokohama
構造 Structure:骨組膜構造 Membrane Structure
延床面積 Total Area:18.73m2
施工 Contractor:小川建設+みかんぐみ

関連リンク Related Links
浜マーケットHP http://www.hama-market.com/