綾瀬駅を利用する人びとが行き交う駅前ポケット広場のような場所の上に住まうワンルームタイプの賃貸12戸 (3,4,5F)と
「玄関 – 水廻り – 居間 – バルコニー 」という並び順の一般的な集合住宅の形式を外し「水廻りが奥で、居間にダイレクトイン」という形式にすることで住戸スペースをSOHOとして使える雰囲気とすることで駅前という立地へ対応している。
The complex consists of 12 studio-type rental units facing a pocket square in front of Ayase station.
The first and second floors are a complex of open retail space directly connected to the station through large glass windows.
In the upper floors the living units have a high ceiling of 3.3m and are finished in RC or wood-cement board, while the water area, which gives a sense of daily life, is white and abstract.In addition to the usual space sequence of entrance, water area, living room, and balcony, the water area is located at the back of the building, directly in front of the living room, allowing a SOHO use.
In addition, since most of the building faces west, the water area is placed along the exterior wall to prevent the sun. The balcony is long at the back of the building to protect it from the west sun, and it is easy to use without being seen in front of the station.
データ DATA
所在地 Location:東京都足立区 Adachi, Tokyo
構造 Structure:壁式RC造, WRC
延床面積 Total Area:630m2
竣工 Completion date:2013.12
施工 Contractor:辰