This temporary café is built in front of the Museum of Kyoto (located in the old Bank of Japan Kyoto branch, designed by Kingo Tatsuno). By means of a compositional method of combining white table-shaped fixtures of various sizes, from the chairs to the roofs, a mobile and simple construction was implemented in harmony with Tatsuno’s style.
データ DATA
所在地 Location:京都府三条高倉 Sanjo Takakura, Kyoto
構造 Structure:S造 Steel
延床面積 Total Area:31m2
竣工 Completion date:2006.06
企画・プロデュース Produce:iop都市文化創造研究所
施工 Contractor:共立建設工業、ナガヤマホームエンジニアリング
神奈川大学曽我部研究室との共同設計 Collaborated with Sogabe Lab. Kanagawa Univ.