「森村泰昌ー美の教室、静聴せよ」@横浜美術館 | Morimura Yasumasa Bi-Class, Be Quiet @Yokohama Museum of Art

「森村泰昌ー美の教室、静聴せよ」@横浜美術館 | Morimura Yasumasa Bi-Class, Be Quiet @Yokohama Museum of Art



 We took charge of the composition of the exhibition of Yasumasa Morimura. The booth of the exhibition held in Yokohama Museum of Art immediately before was recycled for this exhibition, and the theme of the composition of the exhibition was the classrooms of school.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:神奈川県横浜市 Yokohama Kanagawa
延床面積 Total Area:370m2