京王フローラルガーデン | KEIO English Garden

京王フローラルガーデン | KEIO English Garden



 This place, formerly a Japanese garden, was closed for transformation, reproducing an English style garden and a garden of Magnolia. Mikan designed 3 buildings for the new scheme: a seminar house with a classroom for flowers lovers, an exhibition room and a cafe, a toilet building and the ticket office. They are displayed like pavilion spots within the garden. The most important of them, the seminar house has a gable roof and is covered with wooden shingles evoking usual garden architecture, although in contrast it is entirely white inside. Its low and protruding eaves are also dramatizing the view towards a pond with water lilies.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:東京都調布市 Chofu, Tokyo
構造 Structure:木造 Wood
延床面積 Total Area:2ha
竣工 Completion date:2000.3

関連リンク Related link
京王フローラルガーデンアンジェ http://www.keio-ange.info/