オガール保育園 | Ogal Kindergarten

オガール保育園 | Ogal Kindergarten


Ogal Kindergarten

岩手県紫波町の町営保育園(定員150人)の民間事業者による建て替えである。 オガールエリアは工業団地の様に作り出す産業ではなく、いかに紫波町に住むことを楽しむかということを大切に作られている。これまでに産業支援機能の強化された図書館、美味しい食材が揃う産直やベーカリー、健康をケアするクリニック、生活を豊かにするアウトドアのショップ、子育て支援の病児保育併設の小児科が計画された。そして、最後に計画されたのが子供に直接関わる保育園である。



This private kindergarten, with a capaci ty of 150 students, located in Shiwa City is the result of a rebuilding process.
More than a facility responding to the social housing of this industrial area, it is intended to participate in the re-creation of an enjoyable urban environment.
It is the last element of a comprehensive plan including a library, a farmer’s market and bakery where delicious local goods are available, a heath care clinic, an outdoor shop and a childcare centre.

The building is a two-storey structure constructed of laminated wood beams.
These were required in order to cover the long spans of the playroom.
The town’ s design guideline imposed the creation of an arcade, with 3rd, 4th and 5th year old kids’ rooms located on the second floor allowing the creation of a large garden.
Corridors are minimized, emphasizing the continuity of the rooms.
Heights of the two storeys are adjusted to allow a view between the floors, as well as to provide natural ventilation and daylight.
While respecting the overall layout of the facades of the Ogal area, the windows are arranged in a way that responds to both children’ s and adults’ heights, giving the façade its distinctive character.

Sustainability is also taken into consideration with high-insulation and airtight performance, as well as pvc sash windows with low-E pair glass.
Air conditioning is set up in the floor allowing both a floor heating system and a perimeter flow.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:岩手県紫波郡 Shiwa, Iwate
構造 Structure:木造 Wooden
延床面積 Total Area:1183.6m2
竣工 Completion date:2017.03
施工 Contractor: 小松組・佐々木建設JV
撮影 Photographer:Makoto Yoshida (number : 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18)