横浜市立みなとみらい本町小学校 | Yokohama City Minato Mirai Honcho Public Primary School

横浜市立みなとみらい本町小学校 | Yokohama City Minato Mirai Honcho Public Primary School



Super urban environment and Rush

This primary school is built in the Minato Mirai district of Yokohama City and is intended to be used for a period of 10 years only. Along with the urban development in the neighbourhood, its plan is adopted to cope with the temporary increase in the number of school children. Adjacent to a highway connecting Yokohama to Tokyo, the school is cooping with the resulting aggressive situation. This facility also results in a construction rush and the need for such a local facility even for a short period of time. On the other hand, since it is a provisional facility made only to last for 10 years, we selected a construction method and materials that emphasize economical rationality, ease of disassembly and recycling. Therefore, the frame is made of a steel structure; recyclable materials such as cement-based panels are used for the exterior wall; and a dry construction method is adopted for the interior and the exterior.

Organization of a City in Miniature

The indoor gymnasium of the school is placed next to the highway, acting as a buffer device reducing the noise for the classrooms which are organised in two rows oriented north and south. The southern wing hosts ordinary classrooms, while special courses are taking place in the north wing. A series of courtyards, library and various multi-purpose rooms are set up in the middle, connecting the whole. Ordinary classrooms which are all covered with wood are arranged in order to offer flexibility separated from corridors, resembling streets, by wooden movable partitions. The main staircase acts itself as a theatrical device that can capture the light from the courtyard. Landing areas display wooden interiors tainted in emerald green, providing both lighted and lively places for the children.

The same colour is being used for various other places or elements, such as pilotis, ceiling, or exterior faces of pillars which help giving an identity to the school.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:神奈川県横浜市 Yokohama, Kanagawa
構造 Structure: 鉄骨造 S
延床面積 Total Area:7,984.02m2
竣工 Completion date:2018.03
施工 Contractor: 渡辺・根本・昭和建設共同企業体