書院の家 | Shoin House

書院の家 | Shoin House


This town house for a family of four persons is built on a square plot. It’s geometry and construction are based on a regular grid of timber spans of 3,64m (2 ken) that constitute a basic cubic volume. The choice of a traditional structural grid was driven by an economy of means and a sustainable approach. In accordance with the client’s request and the regulations, the basic cube was enlarged (underground, roof-terrace, balconies, furnitures) or reduced (entrance access, diagonal on the roof). While the lower floors with the bedrooms are kept compact, the upper floor housing the family room, that is centered around the main pilar/daikokubashira, expands in all directions. All these extensions (kitchen, bookshelves) look like a set of aditionnal tsukeshoin (traditional alcoves) giving its name to the house.

データ DATA
所在地 Location: 東京都、世田谷区, Tokyo, Setagaya ward 
構造 Structure:  鉄筋コンクリート、木造、地上2階, Concrete and wood
延床面積 Total Area: 149.52㎡
竣工 Completion date: 2024.03