ブロードウェイダンスセンター | Broadway Dance Center

ブロードウェイダンスセンター | Broadway Dance Center



 The Broadway Dance Center is a renovation to the dance school of a 3-story building.It consists of three studio, fronts, and a locker room. As for the inside, operation serves as a form as it is, and a student goes to the third floor locker room from the first floor front, and goes to each story studio from there. The minimum space made by limiting a material that it should respond to expression of the body which failed to be mutilated, floats up the dancer who dances on a floor, and serves as a show window on which the glass screen formed in the wall of studio projects them.

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関連リンク Related Link
ブロードウェイダンスセンター http://www.k-broadway.com