エレファン | eleFan(t)

エレファン | eleFan(t)



This installation was created for the “Kokoro no Arika ? Location of the Spirit” exhibition of contemporary Japanese art, held in Budapest and Moscow. To make it easily transportable to distant places, we conceived a system of detached houses using a pneumatic structure of air blown from fans. The columns and beams are made of a fabric with tightly closed joints, to prevent allergy-causing mites, and the panels between them are made of recycled cloth collected from various places. It is possible to assemble the exhibition to fit a particular place. It shows a subliminal vision of a Japanese house.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:ロシア モスクワ・ハンガリー ブタペスト Moscow Russia・Budapest Hungary
竣工 Completion date:2003.12
製作・設置 Creation・Installation:みかんぐみ MIKAN