美しが丘の家 | House in Utsukushigaoka

美しが丘の家 | House in Utsukushigaoka



This is a mini-development on a long and slender site running from east to west, offset a height of 2m from the road. The building is arranged at the center of the site without openings to the south, ensuring two exterior spaces contiguous with the inside. A steel-framed deck has been installed at the roadside as the approach route. In order to freely allow lifestyle changes within the three-person family, partitions, fittings, and finishes have been kept to a minimum.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:神奈川県横浜市 Yokohama Kanagawa
構造 Structure:木造 Wood
延床面積 Total Area:91.8m2
竣工 Completion date:2003.06
施工 Constractor:井端建築