伊那東小学校 | Ina-Higashi Primary School

伊那東小学校 | Ina-Higashi Primary School



This is a reconstruction scheme for a ramshackle old school building. In its coexistence with other existing school buildings, and its incorporation of ordinary residential spaces due to the expansion of the site, there are elements of both renovation and conversion. The long, undulating L-shaped building runs north-south, abutting exterior spaces of sports fields, courtyards, and a commemorative tree plaza. The first floor is a reinforced concrete structure, and the second floor is a steel-framed truss structure, which produces various heights, comprising different classroom spaces for each grade, a network of special classroom spaces, and spaces that enable educational variety to be developed.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:長野県伊那市 Ina Nagano
構造 Structure:1階 鉄筋コンクリート造 2階 鉄骨造 1F RC 2F Steel
延面積 Total Area:4672.23m2
竣工 Completion date:2009.03

関連リンクRelated link
伊那東小学校 http://www.ina-ngn.ed.jp/~mutubiai/

新建築 2009年7月号 新建築データ

ディティールから考える構造デザイン 金箱温春 著

世界の名建築歴史図鑑 五十嵐太郎 著