横浜の保育園 | The Nursery school in Yokohama

横浜の保育園 | The Nursery school in Yokohama



 This is a day nursery built in a developing residential district of Yokohama. The building is arranged in an L-shape, enclosing a garden. The garden is inclined, producing a variety of places. The sloping garden continuously connects the hall and the entry with the childcare rooms on the second floor. Unifying the surface finishes of the wall storage and movable furniture makes the continuously connected space seem like the inside of a big piece of furniture.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:神奈川県横浜市 Yokohama Kanagawa
構造 Structure:鉄筋コンクリート造 RC
延床面積 Total Area:497.9m2
竣工 Completion date:2006.05

関連リンク Related Link
社会福祉法人 夢工房 YumeKoubou http://www.yume-koubou.or.jp/