クリスチャントルチュ有楽町 | Christian Tortu Yurakucho

クリスチャントルチュ有楽町 | Christian Tortu Yurakucho



 This flower shop is located near the entrance to the Seibu department store in Yurakucho, Tokyo.Facing the penetrating gallery is a show window composed so as to glow on three sides. The shop interior has a narrow frontage and a black keynote, but a flexible display is enabled by demountable shelves and mobile fixtures with inbuilt lighting.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:東京都千代田区 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
延床面積 Total Area:25.3m2
竣工 Completion date:2007.1
施工 Contractor:ブロス
写真 Photo:淺川敏 Satoshi Asakawa