The Nursery school in Yatsushiro is the box of the large and generous wood which light and a wind pass through. Even if those who use add a hand freely, it would be no problem. Because the structure of this is so tough. If it says at a word, it will be the building which can use so much. The large terrace in a photograph is a characteristic space to be functioning as a space for large entrance, childcare-room of semi-exterior, and communication space for the guardians and kindergarten teachers. Since it is in the position which connects the room of many in a nursery across boundaries, the possibility of communication is extended in various. Moreover, the roof structure with the slant lattice beam which built combining thin cedar material and thin plywood is directing the sense of togetherness of the whole building, and is also cheap at the same time it builds a casual and sociable impression.
データ DATA
所在地 Location:熊本県八代市 Yatsushiro, Kumamoto
構造 Structure:木造 Wood
延床面積 Total Area:663m2
竣工 Completion date:2001.03
熊本アートポリス参加作品 Kumamoto Art Police Participation
ディティール 237 季刊-夏季号 [特集]木の屋根架構 P.29
ディティールから考える構造デザイン 金箱温春 著