東京日仏学院 | The Institut Franco-Japonais de Tokyo

東京日仏学院 | The Institut Franco-Japonais de Tokyo



 The French-Japanes institute in Tokyo bridging French and Japanese culture was designed by Junzou Sakakura, a disciple of Le Corbusier, in 1951. It was later extended in 1961 by the same architect and remained unchanged since. Although its renovation started considering antiseismic reinforcement as the first target, a movie theater, a gallery, a Media center, the entrance hall and the classrooms were progressively rehabilitated and reorganized or added little by little recalling more a town planning process than a simple building rehabilitation scheme.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:東京都新宿区 Shinjuku, Tokyo
構造 Structure:鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート+鉄骨造 SRC+S
延床面積 Total Area:2,169m2
竣工 Completion date:2000