笹塚の集合住宅 | Apartment Houses in Sasazuka

笹塚の集合住宅 | Apartment Houses in Sasazuka



 This is the seismic reinforcement and renovation of a steel-framed apartment originally built in 1977. Due to the instability of the connections between foundations, columns, and beams, the underground part was stabilized by an arrangement of two concrete boxes, and directional rods were installed in the columns and beams. While also retaining the memory of the building from a previous generation, it was unified with the new elements and partly inspired by items coming from our book about the saving of the Japanese Danchi. The color scheme was done in collaboration with the graphic designer client.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:東京都渋谷区 Shibuya Tokyo
構造 Structure:鉄骨造 Steel
延床面積 Total Area:220.55m2
竣工 Completion date:2006.10
施工 Contractor:東山工務店
D-knotsとコラボレート Collaborated with D-knots