銀座は小さなギャラリーが多く集まった分散型美術館である。ホワイトキューブのようなインテリアと、常設展と企画展を切り替える大きな可動壁による空間という美術館のいわゆる展示空間を思わせる構成とすることで、 雑居ビルの5階にあるこのギャラリーを銀座のまちに繋ぎ止めている。
This project is a interior renovation of a gallery in Ginza. It is asked that the space can be switched with two moods. One is permanent collection exhibitions dealing with old potteries and old European pictures, the other is exhibitions dealing with pictures in 21st century. Ginza is like a discrete museum which is made of many small galleries. By the composition of the interior like a White Cube and the huge movable wall which switches two moods, which remind of the so-called configuration of the museum exhibition space, this gallery on the fifth floor in multi-tenant building can connect to the city of Ginza.
データ DATA
所在地 Location:東京都中央区 Chuo-ku Tokyo
延床面積 Total Are:36.3m2
竣工 Completion date:2009.05
施工 Contractor:ドゥイング Doing