あかね台中学校 | Akanedai Junior High School

あかね台中学校 | Akanedai Junior High School






This school is located on a hill with various gradings. It takes advantage of this situation with a low and extended organization. The long corridors connecting the classrooms act as streets with enlarged open spaces or squares with multi-purpose functions.Classrooms housing specific activities are mostly located on the ground floor and thrust out towards courtyards. The buildings are sub-divided into smaller units, which are connected to external spaces with a domestic scale. A lot of places are therefore offered to students, with different shapes, colors and materials, where they can act without being inhibited. As the general buildings are fragmented they relate smoothly to the built environment of the surrounding residential quarter. Ecology and energy savings have also been considered: insulation, use of daylight, recycling wastewater, solar heating system and natural ventilation.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:神奈川県横浜市 Yokohama, Kanagawa
構造 Structure:鉄筋コンクリート+鉄骨造 RC+S
延床面積 Total Area:10707.76m2
竣工 Completion date:2011.03
施工 Contractor:小俣・六国・日成建設共同企業体