「友人が集って読書会や句会などのイベントができるようなパブリックな空間を住宅の中に設けたい」とクライアントが希望。 この1階のほとんどの、大きなスペースをとった。 これをパブリックスペースと捉え、全体の中で独立してあるのではなく、他のスペースと連続的なものとなるように計画した。 都市空間が住宅の中に溶け込んでいる。
This house is located in the center of Tokyo in an area crowded with small residences. Since the neighboring houses towards the north, the south and the west are close to the limits of the lot, it influences the position and the organization of the building in need for natural ventilation and light. The public space penetrates a ground floor largely opened and expanding towards the outside. A superposition of 3 rooms defines the house. The ground floor is an open space, the first one is composed of the dining zone and the sleeping zone and the second one receive the bathroom. A slit and a shift of levels between the dining and the sleeping zones allow a fluid vertical relation between all floors.
The large public space sets in most of the ground floor is the result of the client’s wish. The following quotation expresses well his demand: “I want a house with a public space where I can gather with my friends, organize events such as a reading circle or a “haiku” gathering”. Urban space is melting into the house. Although privacy is implemented in the floors above, the space of the whole house carries a strong continuity.
データ DATA
所在地 Location:東京都新宿区 Shinjuku, Tokyo
構造 Structure:鉄骨造 Steel
延床面積 Total Area:104m2
竣工 Completion date:2001.09
施工 Contractor:東山工務店