由比ケ浜の海の家2009-2010 BLUE WINDY TERRACE | Beach House in Yuigahama 2009-2010

由比ケ浜の海の家2009-2010 BLUE WINDY TERRACE | Beach House in Yuigahama 2009-2010



 We thought about how the space is open more than the last year. The shade covered the space is the spindle shape could conceive the sea breeze, and is supported by the wooden V pillars. The blue ligiting as the project theme color was installed like dyeing the shade. Also, about the interior, 30*40 sectional lib materials was adopted in a horizontal direction to unify the design of the wall and the furniture such as the counter.
 The changed part of 2010 was that making the main material of roof structure into 2×6 material, the structure was simpler and more rational.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:神奈川県鎌倉市由比ガ浜海岸 Kamakura Kanagawa
構造 Structure:木造 Wood
延床面積 Total Area:328.94m2
竣工 Completion date:2009,2010.07
プロデュース Produce:電通テック
照明デザイン Lighting design:コモレビデザイン komorebi design
施工 Contractor:イソダ