霧島彫刻ふれあいの森アートホールコンペ案 | Kirishima Art Hall Proposal

霧島彫刻ふれあいの森アートホールコンペ案 | Kirishima Art Hall Proposal



 The Kirishima Art Hall is a sculpture exhibition hall which stands into woods. While being a part of route of outdoor exhibition of a building, it is the linear space which can make an excursion also inside. The-like 3-dimensional exhibition method is possible by changing of a viewpoint which moves gently, and a soft natural light is indoors brought about from the window opened towards woods.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:鹿児島県姶良郡 Aira Kagoshima
構造 Structure:鉄筋コンクリート造 RC