後楽園コーポラティブハウス内装 | Interior of Cooperative House in Kourakuen

後楽園コーポラティブハウス内装 | Interior of Cooperative House in Kourakuen



 This interior project was designed with the intention of setting standards showing a harmonious relation between people and the environment. For example the use of natural materials, the maintenance of an ideal temperature or the exclusion of use of chemical substances. The dining space is arranged the center of the wind path in order to feel a cool breeze. The living area is digged in the floor providing an intimate relation with the fire of the pellet stove.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:東京都文京区 Bunkyo, Tokyo
構造 Structure:鉄筋コンクリート造 RC
延床面積 Total Area:50.08m2
竣工 Completion date:2010.12
施工 Contractor:丸二