神戸カエルキャラバン2005ドキュメント展 次世代へ伝えたい震災の記憶展 | Kobe 2005 Frog Caravan-Message for Future Generations

神戸カエルキャラバン2005ドキュメント展 次世代へ伝えたい震災の記憶展 | Kobe 2005 Frog Caravan-Message for Future Generations



 This proposal for an exhibition hall configuration uses freestanding partitions made of parts taken from the plastic greenhouses used in agriculture. In order to simultaneously hold two exhibitions with differing display characteristics, we implemented a layout in which the inner space enclosed by the partitions is like another exhibition hall with a different character of function and design. Temporary members with simply detachable joints that may be freely interlocked were used, enabling the scheme to be constructed even in limited space and time.

データ DATA
所在地 Location:兵庫県神戸市 Kobe Hyogo
竣工 Completion date:2005
総合プロデュース Total Produce:iop都市文化創造研究所
施工 Contractor:みかんぐみ MIKAN